show and tell with nels stewart

Have Stick, Will Travel: Hall-of-Fame centreman Nels Stewart was born in Montreal on this date, another Friday, in 1899. He was a Montreal Maroon in the 1920s, and a dominant one, leading the NHL in scoring in 1926, as his team surged to  a Stanley Cup championship. He won the Hart Trophy that year, too, as league MVP, adding a second Hart to his quiver in 1930. After seven years in Montreal, his contract was sold in 1932 to the Boston Bruins, for whom he played in parts of four seasons, serving as team captain in 1934-35. He’s pictured here in ’34 among fans and friends at a Boston community hockey clinic. Nels Stewart finished out his NHL career with the New York Americans before calling it a career in 1940. (Image: Courtesy of the Boston Public Library, Leslie Jones Collection)