you can ring my bell

Look Here: Goaltender Gary Smith was a workhorse for the Vancouver Canucks in 1974-75, playing in 72 of the team’s 80 games. He took a break from this one in Chicago on a Sunday night in March of ’75 after Black Hawks’ defenceman Phil Russell slid into him on a rush. Russell led with his knee, Smith with his head; Russell scored, Smith suffered what the papers called a “mild concussion.” Canucks’ trainer Pat Dunn gave him the once-over, and he was replaced by backup Ken Lockett. Vancouver won the game, 4-3. Smith reported a headache the next day; he was back in goal the following night, when his team tied the New York Islanders 4-4, in a game in which Smith’s “sluggishness” was noted by the New York papers.